Philip Berlin
I am nineteen years old and study at Chalmers university of technology. Besides my studies I work and co-owning @Aspen Event AB. My biggest hobby is photography!
Welcome to my page!
I try to capture everything from my own point of view, with my own style. I try to keep everything natural and only enhancing the properties and meaning of the photo with aftereffects.
My ambition with photography is to stay true to my own liking and opinions while giving the client an end product to be proud of. Furthermore I see photography as a way to establish an income during my studies, at the moment I cannot call myself an professional photographer and will charge accordingly.
What am I looking for?
At the current moment I am looking for any smaller jobs located in the Gothenburg to Stockholm area. Rather then charging the full amount of an professional photographer I´d rather charge a smaller amount more fitting to my experience and if the client is satisfied I´d like the opportunity to come back.
Sony a7s
Samyang 35 mm f. 3.5
Sony LES 55-210mm f.4.5-6.3 (my favorite).